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이러한 상황에서 어떻게 대처할 것인가?
다양한 상황 설정을 통하여 각자의 대화를 음성으로 듣고, 그 상황에 대한
명쾌한 해설로 공부할 수 있는 리얼 스토리

She lost her temper.
화를 터뜨리다.
May : What's wrong John? You look worried. John : Well, I need your advice, May. My sister let her friend borrow her car the other day, but the girl ended up in a minor accident with another car.
Interfering mother-in-law
참견하는 시어머니
John: What's the matter, May? You seem depressed since you talked to your mom this morning. Is something wrong with her? May : I think my mom has trouble being a mother-in-law. John : ...
Sokkamoni is the founder of Buddhism.
석가모니는 불교의 창시자야
John : It doesn't seem like there will be many people coming to the exhibit in this heavy snow. May : I agree with you. By the way, do they charge admission? John : There is an 8,000 Wo...
My legs are killing me.
다리 아파 죽겠어.
John : May, we've been walking around for 2 hours already. My legs are killing me. Did you buy everything you need? May : Yes. But I'd like to get some groceries for tonight. I will make stew for you.
It's a steal!
이건 거저나 마찬가지야!
John : Hey, check out this hat! Doesn't it look nice? It's cowboy style. May : Yeah, I like that too. But I think black will look better on Chris. John : Let's ask if they ha...
You're no good at it.
넌 그 일엔 소질 없잖아.
John : Oh, my god. We're finally here! I'm never going to bring my car out again in bad weather like this. I could've gotten myself killed in the traffic! May : Relax, John. It's just one of those days. We go...
It gets really slippery with the snow.
눈이 와서 길이 정말 미끄럽군!
May : John, are you ready? What's taking you so long? We'd better hurry up if we are to stop by at the department store before going to the exhibition. John : I'm almost done. Do we really have to go shopping ...
Spring is coming.
봄이 오고 있어.
May : It's so warm outside, today. I guess spring is coming. John : No, it's too early to say that. But maybe we could go out somewhere this weekend. May : Really? Wow,that's...
No wonder it hurts!
아픈 것이 당연하지!
May : What's wrong with you? Your face is swollen. John : My jaw aches. I think it might be caused by a toothache. May : Let me see. No wonder it hurts! Why didn't you go to see a ...
It's not deadly.
죽을 정도는 아니야.
John : I feel really down in the dumps these days. Doctor: Of course. Because you've been sick. But it's not deadly. It's just a simple cold. I think you'll live. John
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